Hundreds of brick and mortar businesses either have no website or something that was built years ago and is completely out of date, and so potential customers walk away costing you time and money. If your cupcake shop or landscaping business’ store front was located in a decrepit and or out-dated building with 70’s decor, would you agree that potential customers would be inclined to walk away and go somewhere cleaner and or nicer? What if you don’t have a store front at all? Wouldn’t you miss out on a bunch of potential customers? You’re most likely underestimating the importance of your web presence and 314media will show you how great of an impact that will have to your bottom line on how you can change that for very little money and an impressive ROI.
What’s $5,000, $10,000, $20,000, or more in additional sales a month worth to you and your business? We have price ranges to accommodate any businesses budget. From as cheap as a basic informational site with contact forms starting at $300, to more of a customized site with prices starting around $500, to the more robust e-commmerce sites starting around $800, we have something for everyone. ROI or return on investment on a custom website build is simply the money that you generate from the new website, less what it costs you for us to build you a custom website, divided by the cost of investment.
We’ve seen customers spend $1000 on a site that we built them begin generating an additional $5000 a month after the site was up for 3 months. That’s a 400% ROI in 3 months. That was on a brand new website, if you’ve already got a website, you’re likely going to see your return on investment pay back sooner. Payback on your investment could vary, but typical payback on smaller websites is 3-12 months. Larger websites could see complete payback almost immediately.
Never heard of search engine optimization? Well your competitors probably have and they’re generating leads for pennies while you’re orchestrating expensive marketing campaigns with very poor results. With an hour or two training from 314media, you can take control over your website, update the site and media on your own, and create a brand for your company with a web presence, and start to understand how to implement an effective SEO campaign for your company. You can either pay a bunch of money for someone to do that for you, or you can have us teach you so that you can do it on your own, it’s your choice, but one’s going to cost you far more than the other option. Not to mention, you can get rid of that computer guy that’s charging you an arm and a leg for every little update to the website you want complete. It’s time for you to take control over your site, it’s so easy my 9 year old can do it, and he has. We will give you a quick start guide that will help you get your website ranked for the products or services you’re selling and quick and on all major search engines.
If you’re not doing business with 314media, you’re giving money away to your competition, stop it now and get started immediately. We can get you a quote on the phone now, so call or contact us this minute, or you’re going to regret not doing so sooner.