When you start a new web company or create a new website or start a new business, one of your first questions will be “how do I get traffic?” After all, traffic means more sales, more clients, more advertisers… and more money. And while you can implement Adwords campaigns and other paid methods, the most valuable traffic is that which comes organically and directly from the search engines. Natural, organic traffic from Google, Yahoo, and the others is free, it is specific, and is already partially pre sold. Which makes good search engine optimization a key part of building and improving your website.
Looking around the web for ways to improve your traffic and rankings, you probably came across plenty of offers for SEO services. But if you have never contracted an SEO company before, you may not know if it is worth it. Do you even want an SEO professional for your site? The answer is a resounding yes. For five very important reasons.
1. In depth SEO knowledge. As a webmaster, you have access the limitless material about SEO. There are webmaster and SEO forums to look at, and lots of paid courses, “tricks,” and materials. But no matter what you read, you will never be able to amass the knowledge that an SEO services professional has. And why? Because you have to focus on other elements of your website. An SEO professional can focus 100 percent on SEO… because it is what they do, and they do it exclusively.
2. Professionalism. An SEO services company works only with search engine optimization, and so must always keep up with new methods and ideas. They are SEO professionals. And a big part of doing SEO as a profession is using little known methods that webmasters cannot implement on their own. Among these methods are things like the analyzing the psychology of your visitors, the usability of your site, etc.
3. Results. You can learn elements of search engine optimization and put them into use yourself. You can submit articles, try to use social media, and do you best to optimize your pages for the search engines. Even so, your results will not be as good as those you would get using SEO services. Why is that? Because SEO professionals not only know and use all of the methods that you do, they also have a wide range of alternative SEO methods. SEO services get the kind of results that you cannot… and they do it quickly.
4. Time Savings. Working on the search engine optimization of your site takes time. Sometimes a lot of it. You have to read up on new SEO news and methods, write content and articles, and build links. This does not just mean work… it means time. If you hire SEO services to do this sort of work for you, you will have more free time to focus on your own areas of expertise.
5. Value of investment. Some SEO services cost more than others, and sometimes they seem too expensive. But only when you do not take a closer look. The truth is, cost goes in the opposite direction… it is too expensive not to get SEO help. Because doing your own optimization involves spending money, too… and you end up spending more than you should on wasteful “tricks” and resources that cannot help you. Though using an SEO company means spending money, it is a much more efficient use of your investment.
Contact 314media to learn how we can optimize your web site for a better organic search placement. We are a St. Louis based web design, WordPress, and SEO consulting company and we have a proven track record for increasing page rank and search engine placement. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business become more visible.